It is difficult to criticize success. vom Kervinshof kennel has a rich twenty year history of breeding authentic German Drahthaars of the highest quality. During our breeding tenure, our record of achievement is well-documented and published in the official German breed books.
We have developed an excellent strain of Drahthaars that have strong performance on upland game, waterfowl, blood tracking, with superior coats and conformation allowing them to perform their duties as a versatile hunting dog in difficult terrain and cold water retrieves.
We have developed dogs with excellent character and superb temperaments, allowing them to fit
very well in the family and social activities, as well as being a great hunting companion.
During our tenure, we have organized more than 100 performance tests evaluating the performance of versatile hunting dogs, and I have judged dogs on the national and international level. Our kennel is one of the leading importers of trained dogs from Germany for our clientele. We select our breeding males and females from some of Germany's most noted kennels. It has taken years of commitment and substantial expense to create and maintain the professional kennel facility we have today. I use the term WE because it has been a family affair with my wife Madeline, record keeper; daughter Michele, an accomplished judge/trainer and son Shelby, former trainer and kennel keeper. After serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, he now resides in Dallas and works in his chosen profession as a career police officer. It is difficult to accept and hard to believe he now owns a YORKIE.